Hi, I am Marilou van der Keur

Coach | Trainer

Do you have a favourite quote, a recognisable question? Absolutely. I love language, always have. I used to be called stubborn, which made me think, I'll do it my own way. Just a different twist in the way you look at things or say things, outside the box, is there a box? And the past is now, because I still do things my own way.

When I put all my favourite quotes by Einstein, Picasso, Disney, Cruijf, Finkers and many more in a row, I see the common thread, language connected to human beings. It's super fascinating to see and hear what people do or don't do. Where does it come from and why do they do it? The why-question brings me back to the old days, because if you are stubborn, you challenge and the sentence often starts with why...

That is why I have made this challenge my job, as an energetic, versatile and enthusiastic leader with a keen sense of people. What happens to them or between them, verbally and non-verbally. I myself move between the various arts (communication, change psychology, marketing) and the art of cooking and wine. That feels like a big kitchen where I, as chef/sommelier, can taste expertise and inspiration on a daily basis. From these flavours, I work in an appreciative and challenging way on the optimal development of people.

"Never a dull moment" is one of the sayings my English teacher gave me after secondary school. It taught me that taking things for granted is a dead giveaway and that life never has to be dull! Choosing what I want and taking control of my energy; Leadership in receiving and giving. This applies to my work, but certainly also to my private life. Challenging myself in the kitchen with new dishes, lifting wine and food combinations to a higher level in a passionate conversation with the chef and sommelier, going crazy on the dance floor alone or with friends, or withdrawing to recharge my batteries, whether or not walking, romping with my dog in Twente or Valencia, my two favourite places at the moment.

I coach, train and advise with passion, humour, focus, authenticity and respect, aiming to inspire, motivate and create clarity and balance.
By challenging people, stimulating them, or as someone recently aptly said, "would you like to kick me in the teeth", I give them a mirror to look at themselves. I want to let learning arise from who they are, what drives them and where their strengths lie. If you connect that to their question and dive deeper with them, space is created for development, privately, at work or into other work.
I am strong in naming what I hear and see on the spot and I do not hesitate to give it back. In this way, I offer knowledge, experience, feedback and support that matter. For me, this links up nicely with a quote by Picasso "There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes."

Do you need this, do you want this, or whatever your starting point is in your (development) question, then I would love to meet you! "After all, you only see it when you know it" Cruijff rightly said.

A couple of questions
What is your life motto?
Never a dull moment.
A table of 5. Who has a seat?
William Styron Jr., Meryl Streep, Richard Branson, Johan Cruijff, Bob Pinedo.
What's your favorite movie and book?
Book: The Choice by Edith Eva Eger, Movie: Simon.
What's your guilty pleasure?
Binge Watching and dancing in a busy shopping street.